Online business

7 Strategies to Increase Session Duration on Your Website

10 min read
May 8, 2024

In today's fast-paced environment, it might seem impossible to keep users engaged for even a couple of seconds—and the fact that many companies are fighting for their attention doesn't make it any easier.

The good news is, that there are multiple strategies you can use to captivate visitors and increase your website's session duration.

What is the session duration?

Average session duration is the average time users spend on your website. A session starts when someone visits a page on your site and ends when they leave your site or after 30 minutes of inactivity.

Why session management matters

One of the metrics Google uses to rank your website is user experience. Long average session duration will let Google and other search engines know that visitors find your content engaging and valuable, which will lead to an increase in rankings.

Longer session durations are also associated with higher conversion rates. This makes sense because a user who spends a lot of time on your site is more likely to become a repeat buyer or convert into a lead.

Now that you have a better understanding of what session duration is and why it matters, let's go over seven tricks to keep your visitors engaged.

7 Strategies to Increase Session Duration

Now that you have a better understanding of what session duration is and why it matters, let’s go over seven tricks to keep your visitors engaged.

1. Optimize your website’s design

Cluttered navigation menus, pop-ups showing up every few seconds, a complicated site structure, and fonts too small to read—all of these things are signs of poor website design that can send your visitors packing.

Not surprisingly, intrusive interstitials and mobile responsiveness are two of the hundreds of signals Google uses in ranking.

For example, let’s take a look at the website below.

This website includes three different call-to-actions (CTAs), two pop-ups, and a lot of different unorganized links that make the experience feel overwhelming.

Now look at how much cleaner and better organized this second website looks; it just keeps the reader's attention.

Here are a few things you want to take into consideration when optimizing your website’s design:

2. Create relevant content

Have you ever clicked on the top result in Google but didn’t find what you’re looking for? Then clicked on the next result and found the same information?

When writing content, you want to make it original and engaging, don’t just regurgitate what other people have written. Use your own unique voice and write as though you were talking directly to your reader. You should always strive to create content your target audience finds interesting, valuable, and useful. 
Creating this type of content can be difficult and time-consuming. However, there are advanced copywriting tools powered by artificial intelligence (AI) that can speed up this process.

For example, software like Jarvis AI can quickly generate sales copy, social media captions, cold emails, and help you write human-like blog posts faster. You also have the option to include a “tone of voice” to give your articles a unique point of view.

You could write using tones like “happy,” “encouraging,” or “condescending” or using famous or fictional figures like “Joe Rogan,” “Harry Potter,” or “The Rock.”

3. Improve site speed

A website's load time is super important.

A study released by Google showed that 53% of visitors leave a site if it takes more than three seconds to load and that there is a strong correlation between page speed and session duration.

Additionally, in June 2021, Google began rolling out its page experience update that takes into account three Core Web Vitals—site speed, user experience, and visual stability—to rank websites. 

There’s no shortage of things you can do to speed up your website, but here are the ones that’ll have the most impact:

4. Add a live chat feature or a chatbot

Another great strategy to increase session duration is by adding a live chat feature or an AI chatbot to your website. 

A live chat will allow you to communicate with your website visitors in real-time. If you use the right tool, you can have an ongoing 2-way conversation with them which will make them feel like you are really listening to what they have to say. This will encourage them to stay on your site and browse around. Plus, it’ll give them the opportunity to ask questions and get answers quickly and easily.

Using a chatbot instead of a human is much faster and less expensive. These AI-powered tools use natural language processing (NLP) and algorithms to mimic human-to-human conversations, learn from previous customer interactions, and improve over time.

5. Add internal links within articles

Another great way to increase session duration is to include links to other relevant articles on your website within your blog posts.

Besides increasing traffic to other articles, this also helps spread “link juice” or “page rank” to other pages and improves crawling and indexing by Google and other search engines.

For example, if you had a blog post about the positive effects electric vehicles have on the environment and another one about the top ten electric cars, you could have them link to each other. 

Here are some internal linking best practices:

6. Monitor broken links

Earlier, we went over how important it is to include internal links within your articles. Now imagine one of your visitors is deeply invested in your piece and notices there’s a link offering more information. They click it, only to be greeted with a 404 page not found error.

How do you believe they’re going to feel? 

They’re most likely going to lose a bit of interest in the content and possibly even click away. Broken links can negatively affect your visitors’ overall experience, decrease session duration, increase bounce rates, and lead to a drop in conversion rates.

For this reason, you want to make sure that you keep an eye on your links—especially after deleting blog posts or changing URLs. Luckily, this can be done easily with a free tool like Broken Link Checker

7. Include concise and eye-catching CTAs

A CTA is a marketing term that refers to the next step you want your website visitors to take—like subscribing to your newsletter, buying a product, or signing up for your webinar. Think of them as the “kick” your reader needs to get them going down the patch to complete an action. 

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Here are some tips to help you optimize your CTAs:

What is a good average session duration?

What’s considered a good average session duration will vary by industry. According to research done by Contentsquare, the industry with the lowest session duration was B2B with an average of 2.28 minutes, and the highest was grocery with 5.01 minutes. 

The average across all industries, however, was 4.41 minutes. This means that a good average session duration would be anything above three minutes.

How to find your website's average session duration

To find your website’s average session duration, simply log into your Google Analytics account > Audience > Overview. 

Keep visitors happy and maximum session duration high!

When optimizing your website to increase session duration and reduce bounce rates, one thing should be at the top of your mind—your visitors.

As long as you make their browsing experience an enjoyable one, they’ll gladly stay for longer. Not only is this beneficial for visitors but you as well. 

Remember, search engines like Google are all about providing users the best results and experience, so make sure that you’re giving out your best, and you’ll be rewarded with a boost in rankings and conversions.